Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Alphabetical Index of Saints – A

Index of Saints  A

Alphonsus, B.C.D., August 2

Ambrose, B.C.D., April 4

Anacletus, P.M., July 13

Anastasia, M., December 25

Andrew, Ap., November 30
      Vigil, November 29

Andrew Avellino, C., November 10

Andrew of Corsino, B.C., February 4

Angela of Merici, V., May 31

Angels, Guardian, October 2

Anicetus, P.M., April 17

Anne, Mother of B.V.M., July 26

Anselm, B.C.D., April 21

Anthony, Abbot, January 17

Anthony Mary Zacharias, C., July 5

Antony of Padua, C., June 13

Antoninus, B.C., May 10

Apollinaris, B.M., July 23

Apollonia, V.M., February 9

Asaph, B.C., May 1

Athanasius, B.C.D., May 2

Augustine, B.C., May 26

Augustine, B.C.D., August 28

          List of saints
          Christian saints since AD 300

Abadios (martyr)  January 20

Abai  (martyr)  October 1

 Abakuh (aka Apa Kauh)  (martyr)  January 23

Abāmūn of Tarnūt  (martyr)  August 3

Abanoub  (martyr)  July 31

Abassad  (bishop, martyr)  December 23

Abban the Hermit (aka Abbán of Corbmaic)  (abbot)  October 27

Abda and Abdjesus 4th century
Abda of Kaskhar 4th or 5th century
Abdecalas 345
Abdias of Babylon 1st century
Abdisho 4th century
Abdon 3rd century
Abercius and Helena 1st century
Abercius of Hieropolis 2nd century
Abgar V of Edessa 1st century
Abiatha, Hathes and Mamlacha 4th century
Abiathar and Sidonia 4th century
Abibion 5th century
Abibus of Edessa 4th century
Abibus of Samosata 3rd century
Abra of Poitiers 4th century
Abraham and his wife 4th century
Abraham of Arbela 4th century
Abraham of Armenia 5th century
Abraham of Clermont 5th century
Abraham of Cyrrhus 422
Abraham of the High Mountain 5th century
Abraham the Great of Kidunja 4th century
Abraham the Poor 4th century
Absadah 4th century
Abselema of Edessa 2nd century
Abudimus 4th century
Abundius 5th century
Abundius and Abundantius 4th century
Abundius and Irenaeus 3rd century
Abundius of Umbria 4th century
Acacius of Amida 5th century
Acacius of Caesarea 4th century
Acacius of Sebaste 4th century
Acathius of Melitene 3rd century
Acepsimas of Hnaita 4th century
Achillas of Alexandria 4th century
Achilleus 1st century
Achillius of Larissa 4th century
Acius 4th century
Addai 2nd century
Adheritus 2nd century
Adrian of Nicomedia c. 306
Aelia Flaccilla 4th century
Aemilianus 5th century
Afra 304
Agape (Charity or Love) 2nd century ?
Agape, Chionia, and Irene 3rd century
Agapitus of Palestrina 3rd century
Agapius 4th century
Agapius of Spain 3rd century
Agatha of Sicily 251
Agathangelus of Rome 4th century
Agathius 303
Agathoclia 3rd century
Agathonicus and Companions 3rd century
Agnes 304
Agnes of Rome 4th century
Agricius of Trier 4th century
Agrippina of Mineo 3rd century
Agrippinus of Carthage 3rd century
Agrippinus of Naples 3rd century
Aignan 5th century
Ajabel 4th century
Alban 305
Alban of Mainz 406
Alberta of Agen 296
Alexander (martyr) 2nd century
Alexander I c. 116
Alexander of Alexandria 4th century
Alexander of Bergamo 4th century
Alexander of Comana 3rd century
Alexander of Constantinople 4th century
Alexander of Jerusalem 3rd century
Alexius 5th century
Alexius of Rome 4th century
Almachius 4th century
Alphius (martyr) 3rd century
Alypius of Thagaste 5th century
Amabilis of Riom 5th century
Amantius of Como 5th century
Amator 5th century
Ambrose 397
Ambrose of Alexandria 3rd century
Ampelus 4th century
Amphibalus 4th century
Amphilochius of Iconium 4th century
Ampliatus 1st century
Amun 4th century
Anacletus c. 88
Ananias of Damascus 1st century
Anastasia of Sirmium 4th century
Anastasius I 401
Anastasius the Fuller 4th century
Andeolus 3rd century
Andrew 1st century
Saint Andrew of Sardis 2nd century
Andronicus of Pannonia 1st century
Andronicus, Probus, and Tarachus 4th century
Anianus of Alexandria 1st century
Anicetus c. 167
Anne 1st century
Ansanus 4th century
Anterus 3rd century
Antheros 236
Anthimus of Nicomedia 4th century
Anthimus of Rome 4th century
Anthony the Great 356
Antiochus of Sulcis 2nd century
Antipas of Pergamum 1st century
Antonia and Alexander 4th century
Anysia of Salonika 304
Apelles of Heraklion 1st century
Aphian 4th century
Aphrahat 4th century
Aphrodisius 1st century
Apollinaris of Ravenna 1st century
Apollinaris Claudius 2nd century
Apollonia 3rd century
Apollonius the Apologist 2nd century
Apollos 1st century
Aquilina 3rd century
Arcadius of Mauretania 4th century
Archippus 1st century
Ariadne of Phrygia 2nd century
Arilda 5th century
Aristarchus of Thessalonica 1st century
Aristides the Athenian 2nd century
Aristobulus of Britannia 1st century
Arsatius 5th century
Arsenius the Great 5th century
Artemius 4th century
Aspren 1st century
Assicus 5th century
Asterius of Amasia 4th century
Astius 2nd century
Asyncritus of Hyrcania 1st century
Athanasius II of Alexandria 5th century
Athanasius of Alexandria 373
Atticus of Constantinople 5th century
Attilio 3rd century
Audomar 670
Audoin (bishop) 684
Augustine of Hippo 430
Aurelius 5th century
Auspicius of Toul 5th century
Auspicius of Trier 2nd century
Austromoine 3rd century
Autonomus 4th century
Auxentius of Bithynia 5th century
Auxentius of Mopsuestia 4th century
Auxilius of Ireland 5th century
Avilius of Alexandria 1st century
Awtel 327

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