Ken wrote this hymn at a time when the established church believed only Scripture should be sung as hymns—with an emphasis on the Psalms. Some considered it sinful and blasphemous to write new lyrics for church music, akin to adding to the Scriptures. In that atmosphere, Ken wrote this and several other hymns for the boys at Winchester College, with strict instructions that they use them only in their rooms, for private devotions. Ironically, the last stanza has come into widespread use as the Doxology, perhaps the most frequently used piece of music in public worship. At Ken’s request, the hymn was sung at his funeral, fittingly held at sunrise.
Composer: Joseph Mainzer, c. 1845.
Tune 2: DAWN
Composer: Joseph Funk, in A Compilation of Genuine Church Music, 4th edition, 1847.
Composer: François Hippolyte Barthélémon, 1845.
Composer: Carl F. Price, 1913.
(Particularly for the final verse, sung as the Doxology in many churches.)
Composer: Attributed to Louis Bourgeois, Genevan Psalter, 1551.
(no picture)
Born: Circa 1510, Paris, France.
Died: 1561, Paris, France.
Bourgeois followed John Calvin to Geneva, Switzerland, in 1541. He became a cantor at the Church of St. Pierre, and edited the Genevan Psalter. At one point, he was jailed for modifying some well known tunes. Fortunately, hymnists do not face such strict penalties today. Bourgeois reportedly left Geneva in 1557.
(CS preferred; used in Methodist Hymnal)
Composer: Thomas Tallis, in The Whole Psalter Translated into English Metre, by Matthew Parker, 1560. See also Tunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter.
The following text is from Hymns Ancient and Modern (1869). and give a slightly different version.
"I myself will awake right early."
1. AWAKE, my soul, and with the sun
Thy daily stage of duty run;
Shake off dull sloth, and early rise
To pay thy morning sacrifice.
2. Redeem thy mis-spent time that's past.
And live this day as if thy last;
Improve thy talent with due care.
For the great day thyself prepare.
3. Let all thy converse be sincere.
Thy conscience as the noon-day clear;
Think how all-seeing God thy ways
And all thy secret thoughts surveys.
4. By influence of the Light divine
Let thy own light in good works shine
Reflect all heaven's propitious rays
In ardent love and cheerful praise.
5. Wake and lift up thyself, my heart,
And with the angels bear thy part,
Who all night long unwearied sing
Glory to the Eternal King.
6. I wake, I wake, ye heavenly choir,
May your devotion me inspire,
That I like you my age may spend,
Like you may on my God attend.
7. May I like you in God delight,
Have all day long my God in sight,
Perform like you my Maker's will,
O may I never more do ill.
8. Had I your wings to heaven I'd fly,
But God shall that defect supply,
And my soul, winged with warm desire,
Shall all day long to heaven aspire.
9. Glory to Thee Who safe hast kept
And hast refreshed me while I slept;
Grant, Lord, when I from death shall wake,
I may of endless light partake.
10. I would not wake, nor rise again,
E'en heaven itself I would disdain,
Wert Thou not there to be enjoyed,
And I in hymns to be employed.
11. Heaven is, dear Lord, where'er Thou art,
O never then from me depart;
For to my soul 'tis hell to be
But for one moment without Thee.
12. Lord, I my vows to Thee renew,
Scatter my sins as morning dew;
Guard my first springs of thought and will,
And with Thyself my spirit fill.
13. Direct, control, suggest this day
All I design, or do, or say;
That all my powers with all their might
In Thy sole glory may unite.
14. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, angelic host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
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